Last Day In Canadia

I enjoyed Vancouver more this time.   I think cause we weren’t trying to buy or sell a car.

Monday we slept in late, and eventually got up and went outside.  It was quite nice, even occasionally sunny.  Must be awsum type weather for Vancouver though, as we saw at least 3 convertibles with their tops down.  I guess they have to make use of the sun when it comes out.

Harro bikes!
Harro bikes!
I got excited about one of the very few roundabouts in the American Continent.
I got excited about one of the very few roundabouts in the American Continent.
A black squirrel
A black squirrel

We wandered down the road towards Stanley Park, and hired a tandem bike.  Much hilarity ensued, and we cruised around the waterfront, checked out the totem poles, and the views along the waterfront.

Totem pole
Totem pole
Totem Poles
Totem Poles
At one with the totem poles
At one with the totem poles
Tandem bike!
Tandem bike!
On the back.. very tricky to take a photo
On the back.. very tricky to take a photo
A lighthouse and a sulphur pile
A lighthouse and a sulphur pile
Rocky shore
Rocky shore
"A girl in a wetsuit", and two gulls
“A girl in a wetsuit”, and two gulls

We then went to Beaver Lake, then through all the red cedar trees.  It was pretty.  Near beaver lake, some birds sat on our hands.  We talked to the park rangers, who were digging out a drain in the lake.  Turns out they have to dig it out every day, due to the beavers that live on the lake.   Every dawn and dusk, the beavers are out, filling up the drain and anywhere else they can hear running water..  We could see the beaver lodge out on the lake, but no beavers.

A real beaver lodge, made by real beavers!!!!
A real beaver lodge, made by real beavers!!!!
Beaver Lake
Beaver Lake
A tiny bird that wanted food from me
A tiny bird that wanted food from me

I wanted to see beavers.  Even though it meant we would be up late packing.  So we zoomed off around the rest of the park, then home, spent a wee bit of time planning our next city.

Lions Gate Bridge
Lions Gate Bridge
The leftovers of a really huge cedar tree
The leftovers of a really huge cedar tree


At about 6.30pm we caught the bus down to Stanley Park.  There were already two people waiting, one with a MASSIVE camera, and one older guy on a bike.  They were staring at the lake intently, so we joined them.   With quiet conversations we learned that the beaver had poked his head out 10 minutes before, but had gone back inside.  We were super excited.  After 20mins of watching, no beavers.  I was disappointed, but not particularly surprised.  The moose didn’t come out when I wanted to see him either.    We started talking to the guy, and suddenly I saw a little head bobbing in the water – Thats not a duck!!   with his little nose poking above the water, and his body floating along behind,  he took a lap around the front part of the lake near the drain.  Very cute.  He duck dived over by some reeds, and we didn’t’ see him again fro a bit.  He came out again as it was nearly dark, took another lap, then cruised over to the far side of his lodge, and sat there digging up roots and eating them.  So cute.  Once it was nearly full dark, we could jsut see him on the other guys camera screen, even though he was just a black blob in reality.  Amazing camera.  The photographer was nice enough to offer us a copy of a photo he had taken.  I personally didn’t get any photos of him, as it was pretty dark, and our little point-and-shoot just didn’t cut it.


Beaver.  Photo by Bruce Moffat
Beaver. Photo by Bruce Moffat
Sunset over Beaver Lake
Sunset over Beaver Lake

We were just in time to catch the bus home again, where we quickly made dinner, made a variation of trifle for breakfast the next day (muffins, chopped up, mixed with jam, and then the whole lot smothered in custard…it was all left over food we were trying to eat), packed everything in our bags, and planned to get up at 4am the next day.


Don't actually need two people
Don’t actually need two people
Looking towards the Strait of Georgia
Looking towards the Strait of Georgia
Cycle lanes
Cycle lanes
A small house in amongst the massive apartment buildings
A small house in amongst the massive apartment buildings